Eddie, Sunny, Salem, and Pickles are four students who form an unlikely friendship at Plumstead Middle School. The school dance is coming up,and Eddie wants to ask Sunny, but he is very much in love with her and cannot bring himself to ask her to the dance. When he finally gets enough courage (with a little help from Pickles) to ask Sunny, she says no, and Eddie is unsure about what to do next. He asks Salem for advice, and together they write a letter to Sunny explaining how Eddie feels about her. Somehwo the letter is taken, rewritten to sound hurtful and mean, and posted in the school hallway message board for all to see, including Sunny. Now Eddie is really in a bad place. What part did Weasel, a bully at school, have in rewriting Eddie's letter to Sunny? Will Salem and Pickles be able to help Eddie straighten things out with Sunny? Will the frienship between Eddie and Sunny survive? Will the four friends be able to maintain their friendship?
I could hardly put this book down! It kind of hit home because I work with middle school students, and there definitely can be a lot of drama in middle school! I think students would be able to relate to the characters and situation in the book. Frienships and secret crushes are big in middle school, and it could be nice (and funny) to read about how someone handles these situations.
Other books in this series are:
- Report to the Principal's Office
- Picklemania
Jerry Spinelli also wrote the books in the Stargirl series.
Check out his website: www.jerryspinelli.com
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